Antique Desk London - LT Antiques

Tel: 01634 233 280

White hill road
Detling, Kent ME14 3HH

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Antique Desk London - LT Antiques Profile

Antique Desk London - LT Antiques

If it's antique furniture pieces that you need, then LT Antiques is the name for you, my friend. We are a family business where three generations of hard work, excellence and intelligence have been put to make the most of our business. We have a wide range of furniture options for you to choose from ranging from antique beds to antique bookcases in London. If you expect antiques to priced at a nominal price, then we are not the right people for you, but if you understand the value of workmanship and the efforts that went into stable restoring, then LT Antiques is furniture heaven for you. Call now.



The company is listed under the following categories:

Window and Door Hardware » Door furniture (handles, letterplates, etc)
Window and Door Hardware » Window furniture (handles, hinges, restrictors, etc)


Antique Desk London - LT Antiques have not provided their accreditations.

Brand and Trade Names

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Antique Desk London - LT Antiques Products and Services

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Antique Desk London - LT Antiques Downloads

Antique Desk London - LT Antiques have not provided any of their downloadable files.

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Antique Desk London - LT Antiques Videos

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Antique Desk London - LT Antiques Locations

Locations associated with Antique Desk London - LT Antiques.

White hill road
Detling, Kent
ME14 3HH
Tel: 07799 880 163


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