Edgetech customers report 100% OTIF

Posted on 10/08/2021
Customers of world-leading warm-edge manufacturers Edgetech have reported receiving 100% of their orders on time and in full in a recent survey.
Edgetech has carried out quarterly surveys for a number of years now, closely monitoring levels of customer satisfaction to ensure they continue to offer the highest standard of service.
This year, as part of that long-standing commitment to customer service, it’s invested in the Netigate survey platform to improve the efficiency of gathering and analysing the responses, which will allow it to consult both the IGU manufacturers it works with and its own staff more regularly.
In the most recent customer survey 100% of the respondents reported that they’d continued to receive orders on time and in full, despite the huge disruption caused by the pandemic – with one commenting: “you are keeping the supply chain unbroken, which in the current situation is fantastic.”
Edgetech Managing Director Chris Alderson comments: “The last twelve months has been one of the most successful periods in the history of UK fenestration – but it’s brought many challenges as well.
“The pandemic and soaring consumer demand have had an unprecedented impact on supply chains worldwide.
“At Edgetech, we’ve not been immune to that – no business has. But thanks to the dedication of our team, we’ve been able to minimise the effect on our customers, and, in the vast majority of cases, continued to deliver on time and in full.
“We’d like to thank everyone who took the time to complete the survey – consultations like these are hugely valuable, and help us offer even better service.”
For more information, please call 02476 639931 or visit www.edgetechig.co.uk