Edgetech relaunches enhanced customer quality production reviews

Posted on 22/09/2023
Edgetech (a Quanex company) has always prized quality and customer service as the two cornerstones of their business.
Before the pandemic, one area where Edgetech offered outstanding customer service was through its regular customer quality production reviews – compulsory for members of its well-respected Super Spacer® Dealership scheme, but freely available for customers who requested them.
They aimed to ensure Edgetech customers were applying their spacers to the highest standards and helped them achieve outstanding results with every unit.
Highly acclaimed by IGU manufacturers around the country, the quality reviews, carried out in person by experienced technical experts, had to stop during the pandemic.
Now, they have returned, with a new process that makes them quicker and easier than ever, as Managing Director Chris Alderson explains.
“Our customer quality production reviews were a hugely valuable service, that helped both us and our customers ensure that Super Spacer® was performing to an exceptional standard in millions of units around the country.
“We’re delighted to be able to offer them again and to have significantly improved the process to make them even more convenient for our customers.
“Thanks to a simple online checklist, our engineers can quickly establish whether any improvements are needed to ensure our spacers are delivering the best possible performance in finished units.
“If you’re an Edgetech customer who would like to take advantage of this service, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!”
For more information, please call 02476 639931 or visit www.edgetechig.co.uk